Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Markets

Demand drives MKT. See buildout infomercial.

Infomercial,why, because every inch of the Electric grid is run by copper no matter the source. The grid is exploding into new source of consumption visually. These markets demand copper. Copper will not be replaced for the forseable future as the medium of delivery of electric power. Grid devices such as IOTs are already getting into the Copper consumption game. The IOT revolution is in high gear with copper supply diminishing rapidly. Dahhh factor! Short supply is ahead and demand of supply will kill the HELL out of the LULL, lol, wink! Note that recycled copper needs to be highly refined to certify the growing electronics mkt needs, looking at 99.9% + grades and electrowining to refiner is the A+ source for supply, that supply comes right from the mine to the refining plant to manufacturer needs specifications,think custom product. Make your own conclusions however the mkt is telling me in waves that the demand is going to come back with a fury. The most efficient sources will be working 3 shifts to even begin to met supply. New car designs didnt even get my mention. But IMO Tesla better get very wary of the looming crisis in minerals as their new technology for a car is going to be a HOG. I like HOGs and many of them have planned to fail by not planning to succed in preperation for a fierce new market about to be plugged in. Visual capatialist will pretty much tell the story. Pictures speak for theirselves. Lets see most cost effieienct storage batteries need Vanadium, likes of Zinc, along with a sundry of other elements. Lullabye! Oh so whilst the crowd is sleeping a nice read is below:

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