Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Major discovery?

I will give you the latitude on that one as i see a number of mines these days only recone that their mines will last on average i hear about 30 to 45 years of life , active mining ops.

However what if is in that HM is as humoungous as has been stated and as from my point of view i do not see the RREs mined nor counted into the assesment of present valuation onto/into the amortization of HM lifespan. Looking at the minerals so commonly spoken of at HM.

However with techno developments growing by leaps and bounds RREs appear to be key for the far greater expansion into the Iot era right from the getgo. Just look at Tesla planning ahead for their Cars of the future. Zinc,Vanadium,Nickel are in the Tesla window. Likely that RREs will also fit into a yet unknown equation for their future survival of Real Smart Cars and the Iot fitted into them as well to be fully user friendly. Perhaps a crosover to these RREs will be a greater part of the HM future.

Well i concede thats way out there into that future and we wont likely be around for that. Yes and i am just saying RREs are on the back burner here, but only for a while.

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