Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: $100 Billion Hay Mountain or is Much Greater?

That's an interesting addition to the speculation(s). Earlier estimates on total deposit valuation, should there be a significant discovery, was based on ore being quite deep. Now, with the potential for mining from the surface looking possible, the outside limits to estimates of value can rise, perhaps by multiples. The pending short hole drilling program will tell.

Then, the timeline to whatever the ending valuation may be is going to be quite long, Also, we don't know just what fraction of the deposit may be under claims held by others. Afterall, very large deposits often take in multiple third parties.

Stilll, I believe Hay Mountain will be just the start for a company which will eventually be able to expand into multiple other projects, holding them at or near 100 percent interest, making Hay Mountain alone look like small change. Note that Hay Mountain has already been spun off, in a manner of speaking, so as not to effect what else the company may want to do.

Like I said, our heirs may benefit more than we do, but this is just my opinion for now. I could get more enthusiatic, OR A LOT LESS.


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