Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology


Feb 03, 2016 05:05PM

Feb 03, 2016 06:34PM

Feb 04, 2016 12:00AM

Feb 04, 2016 11:14PM

I use Scottrade for this company, and have had no problem getting accurate quotes and purchased more last week. The company said that the quiet period would end once the current S-1 is approved or disapproved by the SEC. It was filed on the 21st, two weeks ago. SEC usually makes their decision within 30 days. Since we filed a similar one a couple months ago, the process may be quicker. I think since we withdrew the original S-1 a couple weeks after it was filed before, something was in the works to get financing another way other than through Tangiers. Apparently that fell through in Dec/Jan, hence the refiling of basically the same request last month. But the way I look at it is, we would only refile again, if we need the money immediately to start drilling. Why would we need that much in funds this soon, if we didn't have the permits in hand already? I think the refiling confirms this, and gives the company another couple weeks of "quiet period" to get everything in order to proceed efficiently once funding is approved. Even though I think everything is pointing towards good news, the only way to get that money to the company is by Tangiers selling those shares on the market (can't hold more than 5% at any given time), thus further dilution and price stagnation until results become tangible. But if this is the only way, so be it; better than doing nothing with a big mountain area with good stuff buried somewhere in there. Keep in mind, that most of the officers and BOD members bought a significant number of shares and options for future shares starting last summer. They will always know more than us or the market in general, and were willing to put a lot of money behind that knowledge and personal convictions. Go team.

ps Another good sign, is moving up one tier from pure pink sheets to OTCBB. No reason to do that, unless you are wanting more exposure and credibility, and eventually a lot more daily volume than what we've had for a few years now. Enjoy the Super Bowl.

Feb 05, 2016 10:08AM

Feb 05, 2016 04:09PM
Feb 06, 2016 02:22PM

Feb 06, 2016 02:56PM
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