Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: quiet period,waiting waiting waiting!

Feb 11, 2016 11:33AM

Smokingreen always makes sense!- Once you work through all the convolutions. It takes some work sometimes- but well worth the effort. I'm not sure why VP is happier where he went- it seems more contentious, obnoxious and basherful than even his despised iHub. We'll see how that goes. It is important to remember he is just as positive and insightful, but just someplace else. He may have abandoned Agoracom, but not LBSR. In the meantime, we continue waiting. There is no particular reason to think that progress has not been made during this "quiet period". Lack of noise doesn't mean lack of activity. In fact, it's apparent that there has been considerable activity. Now- I'll be as disappointed as anyone (and surprised) if JB doesn't come through with an announcement of impending drilling- but I, for one, am not planning on being disappointed. I haven't had much to say lately- since it is all really out of our hands and simply dependant on the funding that has been secured. The intention is to drill and I believe we are at the ready. I am anticipating that green flag dropping very soon.

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