Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: 4 Months

Construction growth has always been an economic growth indicator. The increased use of goods and materials in construction and re-construction are viable signs of increasing economic growth. Charts can be seen for the previous good and bad years of the slowdown and now of slow but steady climb in what points to a solid recovery phase.

USA chart use of concrete:

Global chart use of concrete:

This growth needs the underlying support of reliable supply chains of goods and services. Noted by the econimic crunch2008/09, that mining sector and constructions supplies have been curtailed thru shutdowns and severe layoffs bleeding the present supply of these minerals available that will fall far short of the growing demand of supply. Question is when will a market step up to meet the supply side rather than wait to be short in say 2017 or 2019? As relates to LBSR, copper demand is noted to be one of the most extremely short in the supply side equation. So is there a need to correct that issue? Maybe but in the negative side investors/Financiers ned to open their wallets to headoff supply side shortages. Question to LBSR isare they or will they? Guess we will soon findout. IMO It will be a YES and even if JB&BOD only get a minimal investor in the initial stages, with GREAT results from drillcore Hay Mountain will ignite like wildfire, even perhaps become the next big thing in Arazona.

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