Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: How does Hay Mountain Compare Rosemont?

If you havent watched and or listened to the to recent announments from JB/LBSR, do so as JB will clearly answer your questions and you will get the right answers. Straight from the Hoursed mouth instead of the donkeys hindend. Make sure you get cred information. Let me just give an IMO thumbs up, but thumbs up to what, the question and the ans would be abstract coming from me. JB has well digested and conveyed on the two posts "silence era" and makes it very obvious, easy to understand.

Apr 29, 2016 10:50AM
Apr 29, 2016 11:52AM
Apr 29, 2016 05:24PM

May 02, 2016 03:00PM

May 02, 2016 03:04PM

May 02, 2016 04:21PM

May 02, 2016 09:14PM
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