Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Zinc could be a different story...

Zinc has a back up plan at HM as refference to lilelyhood to find zinc amoungst the RRees heavy or lite was a very likely event to occur. Zinc conclude should be in the HM,RRees, which looks like an offset mineralization of/to the HM claimset as such. So the happy note is I "ZINK" zinc will go up in price per ton with the expected demands of our neighbor, Mr. "T"esla and he biggie factory! Think vanadium,zinc,lithium contracts not released to public makes Mr."T"esla"s decision maybe in our headlights,biggie maybe as a sale to Mr."T"esla. No matter it puts a light on zinc vanadium and lithium because of Mr. "T"esla, PERIOD, and He has mentioned that his suppliers must have a reliable long life high quality supply to be on the "A" list as a reliable long term supplier, OK, OK, already so JB may just make the "B" team list at this point in time, but i'll take it! Being in AZ is like the house next door to "TESLA".

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