Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Wondering if / when the re-assay for the additional REE elements might happen?

Ahhhhhhh cept the waiting, the present pps,and the number outstanding. JB has run dollar share companies in the past and IMO thats exactly the plan for the future of HM and AK, but thats future planning and waiting is the bummer. RREs could be highly bankable up the road a good piece. The HM is the apple JB&BOD are polishing now, this is where the disscomfort of the pps is annoying. Shareholders want a rise in pps by the drillbit as that on good news is the one that puts pps at sustainable levels. In the present metals mkt a rise of share price seems a given! However with the drillbit discovery on the Hay Mt. claimsets, good ore grades and good annalogy of cores will far surpass the effect of just a good metals mkt pps rise. Tother words, good core will give shareholders a PPS BOOM effect,upword that is! Bottoms up I say!

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