Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Private Placement

Better to wait, and sell further shares by PP, than to drill too early and risk missing the target, or coming up with narrow widths of moderate-to-low grade stuff (assuming there is some high grade material to be found). Otherwise, the drive to develop funds could end too early (on, say, 1, 2, or 3 holes as opposed to 5, 6, 7, or more).

I agree it would be great to hit the target big time in the first hole or two, but these first holes may be needed to help zero in on the higher grade material that may come from later drilling.


P.S. An Ad Hoc committee of the Arizona legislature this week discussed the idea of issuing gold-back bonds. This could be revolutionary for financial markets over the last several decades, or more. The gold would come in the form of income tax payments from miners in AZ. Discussions suggested this could help pay off the state's unfunded liabilites in short order. Like anything in government, more meetings are in order.

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