Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: unconditional respect
Sep 18, 2016 01:52PM

Thanks for the kind words.

As to "the other board", I pretty much stopped visiting there as bashing began to dominate the volume of postings, something around 90 percent when I last checked. I'm not against negative views, but I find no reason to read them when they become largerly vulgar, or appeals to emotion,or lies, or gross misinformotion (such as in TMBXF having abandoned their claims next to Hay Mountain).

The largest percentage of those people, too, hold deep apprehensions over registering to post on any other board for fear of leaving their own dirty nest, which was founded as a safe harbor for criminals. Is Matt Brown out of prison yet?


Sep 19, 2016 11:36AM

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