Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: News

Lots of investors in an Election year will hold off.  That could be the impetus even post voting day as now we really need to se the other SHOE drop.  Be it confidence or re-assurance that because of the "ROUGH ROAD" we investors have been traveling very brutaly from mid-2007,8s our spirits are scorched earth and we need the "OPTOMISTIC GOODYEAR BLIMPIE" back into our investing lives.  So i say we are waiting to see at a minimum DOD-FRANK revoked once and for all and Sabines Oxley vastly shelved pending an inquiary as to its impedence to the stock mkts.  These to thinks happen and I say we all get a GREEN LITE to have better trading days at hand.  Hope the "DONALD" sets the mkts ablaze in 2017 and throughout His Presidency.  Do i hear the ZOOM ZOOM coming down the road, just around the bend?  

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh,, listen,, zoom zoom:  That should be our story soon!

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