Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: How Many Shareholders

Well, I can't speak for the other 4999 to 7999 shareholders but at the moment I'm one of them because it doesn't make financial sense for me to stop being one of them. Times are different from when I started thinking the company had a great future. Many a moon ago. Reluctant to figure out how many years to be honest. 

I'm not so sure anymore. Do I still believe they've got the goods? Yeah, I do. But believing isn't any good without being able to prove that your belief has some foundation. And I don't see the money coming anytime soon to start that process. But I'd be happy in being proven wrong in that statement. 

Until that time I'm reducing the number of posters on this board back from 16 to 15 again. And enjoying the ride of our Pebble brother in the meantime.

All the best,

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