Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology


 Kick, Liked the RR map.  Looks like Hay Mt. could swing a spur line over to the abandoned Bisbee Rail.  Looks like 10 miles max distance for a spur.  VP has good info inre RR's.  Being in aggrement with his reasoning it seems that with the activation of a processing plant estabilished right on the mines front door so that would knock out a lot of the need for RR sys.  However we better start thinking about where LBSR would ship the LIQUOR from H.M.(?) as or unless they build a refinery, the mass is still going to be huge loads.  Cutting out the LIQUOR would definately be justified with them having their own processing and refining plant right at H.M. and save on the huge transportation costs.   Remember that a Train is 10,000 times more efficient than a big over the road rig.    ~?~

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