Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: almost convinced

Great topic for investors, YES.  Hit and run guys wont give a care.  Back on message, now they are complaining that GMC,CHEVY,TESLA,VOLT, BOLT Leaf, that these electrics are going to eat out the COPPER SUPPLY, so if its going to VANISH supply side copper, WOW what a reversal!  Back on topic Hay Mountain, turn that Mountain upside down and visualize another Bisbee in the making.  Virtually all of the identified mineralization at the Hay Mt. would, does appear to be TO THE MARKET "ORE" and not just suspect mineralization  by virtue of the fact that we are in the middel of one of the largest COPPER CONCENTRATIONS on the Planet Earth, that our neighbor Copper mining Cos are applenty, that all of GEO WORKOVERS by Geologist James Briscoes has indicated the presence of a monster in the making of a mineralized presence of to market that could sustain all of the demands on the supply side for all of those electric cars soon to be rolling down our Highways, ZOOM ZOOM !

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