Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: Copper at $3.0105 This Morning
Aug 21, 2017 09:19AM

It M.b Sooon indeed.  Howcome i am not surprised at Dr. Coppers early review?  Hint (he name is Doctor for a reason) A he got meds for the Mkt, B he meds work, C he patients by their charts have always indicated with vey eminent results on the health of their patients.  In this case for example Mr. Car isnt feeling well today after they cleaned out his wiring, but to the RESCUE came, you guesed it, Dr. Copper.  Mrs. Jhonson that actually lives just down the street had a very bad week and she hasnt been able to clean house or even cook her meals, but she finally got her power turned back on after Dr. Copper came over and got all of her components up and running agin.  Dr. Copper must be the "KING" of the machine age and of the electronic revolution "AGE".  By "ELECTRONIC REVOLUTION", i am inferring that we won't have that complex unless we have the wounderful resources of, yourt truly,, Dr. Copper!

Aug 24, 2017 10:52AM
Aug 24, 2017 11:53AM
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