Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Bitcoin swamp built on Gold stalling.

The long Bear market for the minerals sector has itself created the currency buildup in expectation for the "minerals Bull breakout since 2010/11 delay.  These monies are running but the run is into the "bitcoin" concept.  The holdover of pentup cash may however run into a class "2000" bubble in kind as and if such certain things are about to occur as expected by majority of the managers of most mineral companies ( thats why they are in the minerals operations).  Realize that the Financial institutions backed away from the Mineral sector into a near "Dark ages" of growth for that sector, (minerals).  As in 2000 "internet stockes" were all far overextended to the point of the trillions of dollar stock bubble that exploded and deflated the entire MKT.  So to say that the LONDON Gold exchange does 18 to 20 billion pounds of sales daily is a "bubble market" is ludicrous mention.  "bitcoin" as an haven is the mere expression of the "2000" next big thing and their bubble is awaiting soon.  Gold and silver are a real mkt and the "bitcoin" fiasco will only wake up investors to come to their sences and move into Au&Ag as the rightful place to be with their money.  Perhaps sooner than expected as the flux in coins are heavy swings in daily prices.  An Au and Ag run will suck all of the air out of the deflating coins parinoia and end the fiasco of coin maddness. 

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