Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: SE Arizona is becoming a place to look ...
[I just published this on the mostly hostile "other" board just for the hell of it. ElisGoing responded with news of recent action by Zambia possibly justifying an investment by a major mining company in Northern Dynasty's Pebble Mine]

Someone looks at this, says “wow”, looks at Hay Mountain, asks “what if …?” 

This just can’t be anything but good. 

About 50 miles from Hay Mountain. Doesn't even matter if the mode of mineralization is different. Point will be seen that this entire part of Arizona has been subject to intense mineralization by many pathways. JB has plenty of evidence, entirely credible to me, that Hay Mountain is such a place. 

Comes a point in something like this when people start buying up everything in sight, especially if mineral sources in the rest of the world are coming under heavy tax (and kleptocratic) pressures. 

Possible that some "irrational" investor with a lot of money will say "what the heck might as well take a look." 

Yesterday, a mineral resource company a friend is involved with was offered a great deal of money (more than enough to drill Hay Mountain) by financial industry people, far away, who have no idea if there is actually something to be mined profitably or not. They have an enormous amount of money, earned quickly, and feel lucky (my best current explanation). I watched it happen from close quarters. I was astonished, and am now trying to assimilate what I learned. 

Remember the much derided steel plate analogy. SE Arizona is like a steel plate. Arizona Mining keeps applying a blowtorch. Eventually the heat may reach Hay Mountain. Perhaps it already has. 
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