Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: 10-Q Issued: Loans by Brett, Directors, Briscoe

Yes, I stand corrected in regard to JB. The others I cant really say because I dont know as much about them. I am not sure what JB does with the rest of his time but it seems LBSR is his full time job, although Im not sure how he keeps food on the table if he doesnt take pay- which, by all accounts, according to the sheets, he doesnt, and I do believe this as fact. The other board members, including the new CEO, have other means of income through other businesses, which is also something to consider in that something has to take priority and I doubt it is LBSR at this particular time. I do believe they are putting forth effort and once this thing kicks off I would assume LBSR would be their priority. Regardless, they did pony up some cash and, unless it was somehow for tax purposes or they just have money to throw away, they did it for a reason. The amount tells me they are expecting a change in the companys situation soon and this will get them to that point of change. Otherwise it seems they would have figured something else out for the longer term and, as well, they wouldnt be putting their money into something that was hopeless. Also, as you said, the outcome of LBSR could possibly have a substantial effect on their business reputation. So yes, JB does have an enormous amount of skin in this game, an entire lifetime of skin. The others may have more than what I initially considered although I still say I am not that impressed...yet. However, if this works out the way we all want it to I will gladly eat the biggest humble pie anyone can make

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