Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Convergence

Apparently,  by coincidence- we had the good fortune of being presented with two different sets of proposals for obtaining funding for drilling on the very same day.  After no apparent viable offers for so long, it is quite amazing that we suddenly have this embarrasment of riches. And now we are going to toss some of them away? Why do we have to pick and choose one over the other. As things go- we will be lucky if one of the several offers even comes fully to fruition. We need to give ourselves all the chances possible. And there is no need to consider them to be mutually exclusive. WillyD has the right idea. It may not come about exactly as he outlined- but something along those lines should be feasible.

There are those of us who have read JB's letter and feel that he deserves to be strongly supported. I think most everyone who has met him respect his integrity and his devotion to his science of Geology and his commitment to LBSR. Certainly there is a discussion about his success in progressing to drilling- whether, as it seems, this was due to staggering delays from the State of Arizona and some of their ridiculous requirements- extreme environmental and archeological studies, for example- or whether some things could have been done differently. But in the end, those of us who support his position, do so not just  out of a sense of appreciation and affection and concern for what is just- but rather, because it is good for the company and we shareholders. The requirement for the deals he has in hand is simple. First-the silly lawsuits- which do the company no good in any way- need to go away. And, second-  JB needs to be in charge of the drilling. Which is not a detriment, but rather a boone to the company anyway- since he is by far and away the most qualified person to do so. I think we can all, at least, agree with that. 

This should not in any way preclude BG from proceeding with his offers. Who would not want that to go forward? Then- whichever offer is best- and can be concluded (hopefully the Corona economy is not the new impediment) would be agreed to with drilling to follow.

As WillyD says- everbody wins- especially we shareholders. I am confident that JB would come to the table- and in doing so- again having his expertise and experience can only benefit the company. I only hope BG will have the best interests of the shareholders as his priority and also be willing to come to the table and conclude this simple arrangement for the benefit of all.

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