Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: POG & POC

The price of gold is slightly higher at the open in NYC this morning, copper is strongly lower. 

While the prices for gold and silver have been much higher in recent days, this is not a sustainable daily trend.  There will soon have to be a correction within the trend, and history tells us that it could be a strong one.  However, the trend is established and it is likely to resume within days and reach new highs soon following. 

Copper is a different story as it is in a situation of over-supply that is likely to linger given the damage to the global economy by the COVID situation. 

Got gold?

CORRECTION - on a final check just before posting this, gold is strongly higher again.  Looks as if Far Western markets are more fearful than Asian and European ones.

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