Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: DRILLING ?

One of the Big Horses got busted for FLUFFING the prices of GOLD.  For some reason that HOUSE pounded on GOLD when it was near the 2000 breakthru just recently.  This caused it to hit the 1850 level and retail would not bend at that level so back up price went.  Shows how fragile a campaign can be when ganged up on by super power houses.  Moving past that point, just read this A.M. that Banks and Finance houses are recommending their employees to buy SILVER and GOLD.  TRUE!  I dont want to give any names in either case.  Just that it looked like telling them to fill your safty deposit boxes with GOLD and SILVER. 

PS: How is your Australian Stallian doing?

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