Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Re: TIME for USA and CANADA to fast track:

Per normal.  Backlogs are occuring in the process.  A len Lease program gives priority to transports,, all ofhter Port activities are second place to the last ship to be emptied.   The Greenies are sure that they want the World to go non carbon fuels,presently impossible to do as in depth these methods are at their infancy, windmills, solor panels, home energy storage units, rooftop panels and the famous EVs.

As you know the growth of these projects all heavily rely on the background of you guessed it CARBON BASED ENERGY.  They end up creating more CARBON than ever before as the "greenies" are rushing to hustle the WORLD that their move to all of the greenie measures is best for humanity,, when in the real World they have been creating more smog.  Truth be told Europe is the PROPAGANDA BATTLEFIELD of the "greenies",, almost like the NAZIS MOVEMENT in WW2,, the Planet is falling in line with the greenies as they are playing the "messiah act upon us all".

As you is we could and can get to mineral bassed Energy that is truly Clean.  The best example I know of is the TVA cleaning up their coal based to being cleaned emmisions coming from their chiminies.  Their emmisions from the Stacks was cleaner coming out of the Stacks than the air from the environment.  So that speaks to COAL as having the greates possibilities to be an interum provider of Energy that is proven to provide a means to an end.  Over the "rainbow"!  

Thanks for your reports!

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