Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Examples of copper ore globally by colors similar to Hay Mountain so far (without consideration for related other minerals) -

On a second listening, J. Bryce was talking about our local lab.  Also, while he said turn-a-round times have been "stretched out," the core has been there for 3+ weeks, so we shouldn't have to wait too long.

BTW, in his report from a few weeks ago and in the interview, he talks about a "marble front" of, I think, 41 feet of thickness.  I recall JB discussing this as the cap that would cause rising minerals to concentrate below it and spread sideways, and in my words, like the cap on a mushroom.  This is where we are most likely to find the anticipated bonanza grades or the higher tier of bonanza grades.

...history in the making, I feel.  


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