Liberty Star Uranium & Metals Corp.

Combining Classic Mineral Exploration with State of the Art Technology

Message: Pete's Other Company Could Use a Boost

I'm repeating myself here but out of all the treatments in the FBLG pipeline, the one for MS, according to a graphic on their website, is the furthest along. It looks like it's just going into Phase 2, with 3 phases shown in the graphic. Just as a comparison, diabetic wound care is in "preclinical" and cancer immunotherapy is further back in "discovery" phase. Since I am certainly no expert on any of this, I cannot even hazard a guess as to how long it will take the MS one to get to and through phase 3 and become a profitable product. With over 150 patents it seems like there is a lot of potential in these fibroblast treatments. All this in "over two years" as a "pioneer in regenerative medicine." I promise I won't keep quoting the Fibrologics website. Just thought it was apropos in response to your post. So go FBLG!

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