One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Let's see if we can break $2 today...

Alton, my rushed communication asside . Check the Blumberg Report issued with in the last two months on the pformance of post Kenndy Democrat Presidents vs. Republican.

You're not in a position to judge my success in this culture nor my position visa vie morality iniregarding making money. You don't have the information to go beyond suppositions.

I may irrate you because I don't apply publishing standards to proof reading my communications. Sorry that affects your attitude or interpretation of the content.

I don't thnk you countered , or contradicted the information I've communicated. I do not believe it's a sin to make money . I have had fantastic luck and enjoy abundance.

Fortunately, if I have been the target of adolescent slurs by other authors on this board, I haven't read them.

I usullay only open your messages because they have been consistantly balanced and informative , from my point of view . How about not spending negative energy edting / proof reading as long as the content gets accross. Finally, how about refraining from making suppositions and value assumptions that go beyond inference.

Al Federici

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