One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: Rolling Along

Apr 14, 2014 11:54AM

Apr 14, 2014 12:22PM

Apr 14, 2014 01:42PM

HM - Agree whole heartedly. Actually, I don't want a date. I want an 8k that says it was signed yesterday. The annual report will be out today or tomorrow at the latest. Not likely it will contain the news we're looking to hear as that would have to be in time for the annual report to be published (i.e., probably no later than yesterday, in order to make it into today or tomorrow's annual report). Nevertheless, whether it's in the report or not, I'm sure mgmt will issue a separate 8k announcing the good news. For this will be huge news worthy of more than a footnote in the annual report.

Apr 15, 2014 12:45PM
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