One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman

Message: Re: JUNE 15th

Jun 15, 2015 02:06PM

Jun 15, 2015 06:08PM

Jun 16, 2015 05:31PM

BEACHER, be sure to take your lap top or reasonable facsimile ( I might refer to them as gadgets) so you can celebrate with all of us when the 8-K hits the wires. I understand that some work actually gets done during Ramadan. At this point we need just a couple of signatures to spawn that 8-K to take us to the next level. Plus, since" hope springs eternal", Ramadan is not till the 18th of this month (granted in their time zone) but we still have a little time for a nice surprise, Bill...... P.S. Beacher,enjoy your beach time. Perhaps in about five years you'll be on a chaise on "our" beach in Oman next to Alton, Stocker,Nick,Clarkmeister,Piper,Oldster, Jeff, Doc,both of the Harrell's and maybe even Al and of course Bill, Frank and Charley. ( I believe Eddie and Mooner are long shots. They'll probably still be arguing with Gibby--Mooner's alias).

Jun 17, 2015 03:22AM
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