One mile of Ocean Front, One Incredible Real Estate Development

Multi-Billion Dollar Agreement Signed With Oman


I'm not believing everything I hear out of his mouth. While I broadly agree with most of his views, I don't believe he'll produce. Plus his promises to punish US businesses that don't comply with his wishes (outsourcing, etc.) and his promise to place heavy tarrifs on certain imports, is very alarming and sounds very liberal. No one seems to remember what happened when Smoot-Hawley was enacted (maybe Bill remembers as I believe he was there). We were beginning to exit the depression when this bill came in which imposed tarrifs on imports. The predictable result was that Europe did the same and all trade screeched to a halt (or nearly so). And we and the world plunged into the Great Depression which lasted MUCH longer than it needed to.

His tax policy doesn't make sense.

But, not to be completely out-of-synch with this forum's requirements ... hey, nice day for our stock price! And decent volume.

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