patented technology to grow and expand adult Stem Cells

Adult stem cell development company commencing clinical trials applicable to estimated $30 billion degenerative disease market place

Message: from CH Bird at Segue:interview Dr. Ayoub conducted with PLRS Dr. Prather

Ahhmm - No not a basher.  I actually own 60,000 shares - not very much I know. 

We actually corresponded a couple of months ago.  You told me that you we were going to get news based on your ESP - (here's the post). 


Posted by: emma on August 08, 2007 03:34PM

In response to: Emma - OT THANK YOU! Very ... by patientman

"going to get news last week and this feeling continues..I will call it what it is...ESP

I was on vacation the week of 7/23 and I told my family on Sun night that we would have news... and we did, Mon. 7/23 am!! It's as tho one can feel the electricity in the air. GLTA"

 I'd have to agree with the RSHMULIK.  Pumpers can actually do a lot more damage than bashers.  The bashers at least keep investors away who shouldn't be investing.  Pumpers don't usually talk about the negatives which of course should be mentioned. 

This stock is a wing and a prayer - not much more.  Just because there are famous names behind it, does not mean it will take off.  Next time you post this info, why not mention the risks as well? 

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