Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: The 100 share traders


#1. Hockings analysis was so poor it does not merit serious discussion. Please read his report and compare it with the company presentations and decide for yourself. He is out in left field by himself.

#2. I think the last two days show the nearly insatiable appetite for Probe shares. We traded over 950,000 shares and the price moved up nearly 7% after the release!! It is generally buy the rumor sell the news, but in this case people bought the rumor for two weeks and then jumped in and bought more after the news released. This proves the news exceeded the markets expectations. Keep in mind there are a ton of retail investors holding a couple hundred thousand shares purchased as a chromite play. The last couple days allowed a few of these folks to sell fairly large blocks that had a cost basis under .50 cents without killing the share price. I for one am very happy to see us up on that strong of volume. (and no I did not sell a single share)

#3. Of course there was trading on the rumor of the land deal being closed for the last couple weeks. Dave said or certainly implied several times that the land deal would be done before year end. It was not going to happen the week before Christmas so it was either this week or next. This was as telegraphed as it could have been. So yes, people were trading based around the deal closing.

Reality, this like all stocks trading under $5 with light volume is subject to traders manipulating the price on a daily basis. I don't like it, but it is what it is. I have been watching this for several years, I could not trust Dave anymore than I do, his integrity is beyond reproach. To me this may be a once in a lifetime investment (it actually already is). If the rumors of multiple parallel high grade zones prove true, the grade continues to improve and they hit something of significance on the east limb this will be a life changing stock for several members of this board.

As Captain Time says, "You got the time...don't let anyone push you off your shares....only a matter guessed it....time". ....that makes me thirsty for some odd reason, where are those limes?

Good luck to you and everyone else. Have a great weekend. Next week should be very exciting!!

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