Solid foundations. New horizons.

Message: The 100 share traders


The analyst who called for a potential move to $0.50 has his reputation at stake. We as shareholders are holding one of the best gold related investments around. Dave is the one who acquired the property. Yes, there were holders waiting for the land news hoping to sell at a profit. Yesterdays's great move gave them an opportunity to get out, good riddens to them. The general time of the announcement should not have come as a surprise as Dave had mentioned it would probably be done by year's end. Anyone could have purchased the shares from Dave's statement and figured on selling them for a profit when the time came. So what? It is only a tiny ripple in the bigger picture of things.

I trust Dave, solely based on his accomplishments. Our family motto is, "Action, Not Words." Why is Probe's trading behavior in the past days "not a good sign?" I've been in this business since 1962 and don't see any problems with the trading, I like it. Years back a security named Giant Yellowknife practically said nothing to shareholders. I never viewed this as negative and do understand folks wanting more news, me included. BUT Dave has a brain and how he uses it has benefitted us all, with or without words. We just have to look at the Canadian Ventures Exchange chart to see how he has protected and saved our invested funds as opposed to almost all of the rest of those listed companies.

I don't believe this is a case for regulators but what I would like is, for them to require the clearing house to identify and report publicly sales with delivery failures within the required time. If the firm or firms representing these sell orders can't keep track of these fails and report them to the overseers, then naked shorting just goes on and on. From my experience at the PSE as a broker/dealer, I understand how influential member firms are with Exchange management and thus, the Clearing Corp.

I suspect that the negotiations with the timber people were mostly complcated. When an agreement was made between parties, I believe the announcement was forth coming in an appropriate time manner.

Concerning shareholder shirts, I say again, I completely trust Dave as well as respect him.

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