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Message: Longs

I've been with SLI for a little more than a year and a half. I as well would like to be a shareholder when (if) the Tesoro property sells. I, like some other shareholders, will likely take back my initial investment when or if SLI S/P hits the magical $5.00 mark but will likely keep the majority for the Grand finale unless the S/P becomes abnormally high.

I do find it difficult to understand the very long time frame involved in receiving the drill permit. My initial information was that the EIS was what would take the most time to complete. I guess my biggest problem is not knowing whats happening. Are there any inquiries to the Peruvian government as to why the permit issuance is taking so long? I know we dont want to hound them but some tasteful inquiring should not harm the situation. If the Peruvians had some sort of response or time frame then that would certainly help as a news release just to help keep the shareholders in the know. Not knowing what is happening and watching the S/P dwindle down tends to make the stomach growl. I would love to see the permits so that the drilling could commence because the drilling , sampling and processing of samples are likely time consuming as well.

I have faith in management and the Tesoro property and I'm working at improving my patience, but I sure could use a news release.


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