Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: The use of stops

I think the days of human compassion and helping your fellow man have disappeared with the threshing machine. It doesn't seem to matter what area of business you venture into anymore, it is usually controlled with desception and dishonesty. If you screwed someone out of something it used to be a black mark on your credibility. Now it seems to be a notch on your belt. I used to be involved in light commercial aviation and I got out of it because of the money grabbing and back stabbing. The short time I've been involved in the stock market has shown me that I hadn't even scratched the surface of deception. I've spent a lot of time on S.H. and I find it hard to believe what I read over there. There is nothing informative to gain from that site. It is merely a battlefield of deception. If you wish to post informative information or your views on how you feel the stock will play out, it just gets trashed with vulgarity and rude comments.

The same poster that hog referred to said he has no desire to be on a site where everyone only talks about what everyone wants to hear. No negatives.

I have no problem with negativity if it is substantiated and presented with courtesy. We should hear the good along with the bad. We are investors and the company is in control of our money and they should be monitored. We should not enter into any love affairs with management or certain posters. I'm the first one to admit that certain posters have been over ambitious in their predictions, but I don't feel it does any godd to tear them apart verbally. I simply take note and become cautious.


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