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Message: Taxes

I dont know if a different company name would help Tesoro sale or not. Really the sale of a property should be no more difficult than a transfer of ownership. Usually when I see properties being split of to different names I get nervous wondering whats up their sleeve.

Personally for me I have 70% of my shares in RSP account. I plan on leaving the total amount in the account and drawing the interest off anually. That way I dont lose any principle to taxation as you would in a cash account which is around 19% for capital gains.

The other 25% is in cash account and 5% in tfsa.

For anyone that has a share certificate with warrants that you are considering putting into sdrsp account, once your warrants are in there, even though they have not been purchased, the trading house will not let you transfer the warrants back out into a cash account. Bear this in mind before you make your decision.

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