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Message: Another Good Tax information sight

Hello Sculpin. Just a thought about the TFSA for your brother. If he has any stock in SLI presently, he could do a transfer in kind. This would be transferring say SLI stock out of his investment account into his new TFSA. The transfer would be based on the stock value on the day of the transfer. The TFSA does take some time to open up. Of course, he would have to claim any capital gains...

I would also like to point out that I have only SLI stock in my TFSA, Self Directed RRSP and Self Directed LIRA accounts. What is left, is in my Self Directed Investment Account. I also transferred my funds from my company RRSP Plan into my Self Directed RRSP account. If you have room in your RRSP, and say SLI outside of it, in my opinion, now would be a good time to do a transfer in kind... Of course, you have to claim any capital gains. But you also get the RRSP credit...

People need to consider the tax consequences of what we may have here, sooner than later...

Just my opinion.


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