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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Re: Beer and Bull
Mar 23, 2011 08:48AM

Last night 26 attended the B&B. I think most had a good time. Murry went over much of the information that is already here on the various links.

For me the highlight was getting to know some of the others invested in SLI. As a group, I'd say that the people that have chosen to invest are careful and knowledgeable. Not the kind to through money at questionable ventures. I feel I'm in good company and that brings peace of mind.

After last night I think SLI is following the correct course of actions. Permits will come at the prerogative of the Peruvian Gov't. A thought that occurred to me is that even they, Ministry of Mines and Energy, might be concluding that the chances of Tesoro being developed are greater than your average exploration play. Perhaps this is why they are taking a little longer to review our application.

A special thank-you to Murry and Alice for their attendance last night.

Mar 23, 2011 09:40AM
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