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Message: Perspective on Road

Thanks to hilljilly and bartholamew for relaying the DNG information. It gives one pause to think about some of the challenges to be overcome in advancing Tesoro. To quote the author:

"As for the trip to Acari...it was a long, very dusty, cliff hanging rugged road through the mountains to the mill."

Just imagine our access road. When viewed using Google Maps, the road up the Acari river all the way to Huacana and beyond to the DNG mill looks to be a not bad drive. So for it to be described as it is by the author gives one pause to think. The Tesoro access road turns to the east up a tributary just by Huarato. Switch-backing itself numerous times up a series of canyons. It could only be described as a goat path. Has all the makings of a IRT Andes episode. Just some of the difficulties to deal with.

Also could be a factor with the EIS. Does the EIS cover only the property proper or is consideration about access evaluated.

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