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Message: Interesting Times

Great post, Jake.

I’m sure many of you are familiar with the Kubler-Ross stages of grief: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression and Acceptance.

I propose that SLI investors go through a process of evolution regarding our investment. Mine looks something like this:

1. Euphoria after the initial investment quickly makes gains. This spurs further buying.

2. Dismay as the SP takes a downturn. This creates doubt at the wisdom of the investment.

3. Blaming of shorters,management, the weather, the Peruvian government, or anyone or thing that may have been responsible in any possible way for losses. This is accompanied by impatience that everything should be happening much faster.

4. Excitement as the SP moves up from a new rumour, NR or for no apparent reason at all, followed by more buying. This is accompanied by adoration for management, insiders and everyone on Agoracom.

Steps 2 through 4 have repeated themselves at various speeds and intensities.

5. Zen-like relaxation. At the moment I don’t care what the share price is. I’m not selling until the drilling results and buyout take place. It might take longer than I’d like, but the fundamentals are the same and I have much more to gain than I have to lose. (Although, I’d lose it very reluctantly.) So right now I’m chilling. I hope I can stay in stage 5, but I’m human and might get dragged back into the other stages again.

Does anyone else see themselves?

Good luck to everyone. On the bad days take a deep breathe, and exhale slowly. That’s my plan.

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