Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: possible update?

I just got off the phone with Murray. It's the first time I have spoken to him and am impressed by his honesty and general concern for the ordinary shareholder.

He indicated that there will be a NR shortly to update the activities but would not let himself get caught with a specific date.

He indicated that the drilling contractor is available right now so there should not be any hangups there, and that the trenching equipment is on its way to the site.

He says there are people on the site.

He says that the company is rethinking its position on giving regular updates and he also is particularly unhappy about the fact that the ordinary shareholder has been kept "in the dark".

He thinks we will be resuming shipments to Dynacor, but is unsure when.

I know most of you think this is all rehash, but its new to me, and it gives me a sense that something is really happening in the background. He was not able to be anymore specific than what I listed above.

Cheers, Ismore

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