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Message: Margin Accounts

Hi to all, I'm new to the board and new to the investment game. Thanks to all the hub leaders for all of the work they have done to help us new investors figure out what we have and how to keep our investment safe from these crooks! My house is Scottrade and I also checked to see if my account was a margin or cash. They informed me that is was a standard cash account, but when I was checking my account preferences, I noticed online trading settings! It was marked as yes for this feature, I guess we signed up for it when the account was opened, not knowing what it was and getting NO explanation from Scottrade as to what it really ment. I called and had it changed to NO instead of YES, and this was only changable from the account manager. When I asked him what it was, he gave me the explanation of borrowing against my cash account. Which I would assume also ment they could borrow against my shares! This problem does apply to the US & Scottrade, but they are doing anything they can to make money of the GREEN investor! I would have never realized this was activated without searching through my settings!

Thanks again for all your help and info.


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