Welcome To the WIN!!! St. Elias Mines HUB On AGORACOM

Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Love those meetings.

A special thank you to Mr. Vegas for setting up these meetings. I feel blessed to be able to go to 2 meetings in like 2 months. I just happen to live real close. I learn something new everytime I am there, such as the reason why the underground workings only go so deep. You can not use a ladder more than 100M below the surface. After that depth you need an elevator. I always wondered why they never went deeper. Well you learn something new everyday.

Murray and Alice and not privy to any info that we do not know. I have talked to many CEO's and IR's. I must say Murray and Alice believe in this more than anyone could ever imagine. This is why they spend so much time trying to inform new and old investors alike. They are two very honest people.

I feel very safe in my investment and am not afraid to share this amazing opertunity with any one who will listen to me. I have put together an email package that can help investors share with others. I am more than glad to share it with anyone who wants it aswell. Just PM me. I will send it as long as you have a good email provider that can accept a lot of info. Yahoo.com is a good email provider.




Mr. Hobbes

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