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Message: some more calculations to keep refreshing our potential...

I use the same as Bow. I use the same tonne/m3, the same scaling factor, 31.1 grams per troy oz and 121 million share. The exceptions are;

How I calculate my volume - Instead of a cuboid (height x length x width) I use a calculation that would resemble an egg shape. This calculation gives me roughly 56% of the volume that the cuboid calculation totals.

Grams per tonne - I play with this variable a lot. I currently have it set at 2 g/t or double what Bow has been using in his conservative estimate.

Price per oz of gold in the ground - This is another number that I play with a little. Some have stated 15-25% of the POG. An interview on BNN had an expert state numbers in the neighborhood of $7-800. I believe Bow has used $150 in his conservative estimates. I currently have my sheet set up at $320.


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