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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Reality

I agree with Hog !! We all need to keep our feet on the ground and not get our hopes too high, and more importantly for new readers and purchasers of SLI shares not to expect these huge prices and end up buying more than they can afford. These deals can take a long time and you may be without your money for longer than you expect and with the price fluctuation from day to day you may need to get out on a down day and that will be disappointing. Make sure to read up on SLI first. Don't look at the thousands of dollars per share coming that are selling now for 2.00. It's still a risk!! The thousands may not appear.

I do however think its one of the best risks available today and I'm in to the max.

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