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Message: Re: Couple of things
Oct 15, 2011 01:34PM

I do like her two other quotes in that video that really haven't been discussed much on this board. She mentioned, "We are very fortunate to what is happening to our company", and then she goes on to say "We are in the process of exploring and discovering a major gold find."

So, the million dollar question is whether or not she is saying those two things based on some actual "revealing and substantiating" information/results that she is privy to that we are not or whether she is just saying those two things based on universal "CEO confidence" and/or generalized salesmanship. Does the rest of the picture (Quantec results, geologic history, assay results already done, the proven interest already noted in the property by majors, the hiring of McElhaney (sp?) and other high regarded firms, etc.) support Lori's words as being grounded in reality or rather in fantasy? The variables are all there to support the former as being the case, .....but still, one either chooses to believe in the story and in Lori or one chooses to be skeptical. Don't mean to state the obvious ....but you either have faith in her two quotes above or you don't. In a lot of ways I feel that those two quotes are more important and "telling" in some ways than her comment "Right Now". Regardless my gut tells me to stay in and wait for however long it takes to get to the finish ....even if it means having to live in perpetual suspense for a while. (Yes, admittedly, it is a bit nerve wracking.) If it was easy though we would all be rich. The smart ones, IMHO, will stay the course and be rewarded at some point. For the life of me just don't know when.


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