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Message: Couple of things

I just watched the Forbes interview with Lori again.


It seems this video clip starts mid stream in a longer inteview, IMO. The business world doesn,t know Lori, but yet, there she sits as if everyone knows who she is, with no formal introduction at the start of the video. I am thinking there may be more to that interview that hasn,t been released. Why would Lori even bother to do this video and say the little she does in it, if it were not true, or gonna be true shortly. By looking at her body language, it appears she is hiding nothing in the segment we have seen, so I am guessing more was revealed in another part of an interview that hasn,t been revealed yet. I mean why would she even be interviewed by Forbes if she wasn,t going to be successful. At this point in time we are just an explo company, and she is not successful at this point in time, really nothing has been secured. If we continue on this route with the company, and no great find confirmed or no great sale, then Lori will just be another CEO of a venture mining company. Imo, Forbes doesn,t measure success that way. Would Lori lie about the words "now" that are mention twice in the clip? I don,t think our CEO would put her credibility on the line, so my answer is no.

Lori hasn,t lied to us in the past and she is progressing everything at a considerable rate for a venture company. We have had work done on several of our properties in the last year, extremely advancing them. This, IMO, is quite an accomplishment. The problem I have and everyone else is that all her/our advancements are not being released to show the growth by our sp going up. Under the timely disclosure policy, it is recommended material information being released no later than 10 days after receiving it. There are several material events that I have discovered that have been over 1 year getting to us shareholders. There are samples from June 2010 taken that have not been reported yet, 16 months. She has to answer to this at some point and explain why this happened, maybe she has a good reason to justify why she hasn,t been responsible and accountable to her shareholders. I beleive she does, and we will know in the coming weeks, its just that she CAN,T tell us now.

Remember the e-mail most of us got from her awhile back about the shorters? Remember how she called our stock "one hot stock"? So, she took the time to write to her shareholders and tried to relay what may be happening with our stock. Remember the regulators that were looking into this months ago for us? Remember last Dec/jan, she put out an update on years activities, at the time we were not getting any news and shareholders were disgruntled? There was so much info at that time she could have released for us, still nothing. Why?

She did the spin-out for us to start to unlock our value in B.C.. In time, Havilah will turn out to be a great investment for us, we won,t realize this for a few years down the road, but then we will see how much that did for shareholders.

It is my opinion, and many others that we have been drilling long before announced. The drilling announcement came Aug 17 th.This assumption has been made by gathering a lot of info, in which some involves phone calls to drillers by shareholders. Even though we are still not certain that we have been drilling before the actual announcement, the main point here is; why would Lori not tell us? It is these type of actions that cause anxiety amongst shareholders, we can,t see no reason for it, but again Lori MUST have a good reason. I can contiuously go in circles all day on this forum in my post, but doesn,t anyone find it strange that I always come back to the same conclusion? That the reasons and explanation for all these things, has to be good.

Do your own thinking and see where you end up, I think I will be greeting you when you arrive.


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