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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Budgeting for next 12 months

money you said,

"Just a question, but would that $2.5 million go towards legal and administrative costs expected with the sale of Tesoro in the next 12 months? I'm sure there's a lot of paperwork and lawyer costs for a deal that we're expecting to get ($$$)."

The same thought crossed my mind, but I beleive we first have to rule out other things that may explain it. The speculation can lead us on so many paths, and when it comes down to it, its a waste of time. We need facts.

Leave the PP out of this for now, it is a legitimate concern, but there is nothing we can do about that at this point in time. That can be addressed at the AGM, and the question asked there for an explanation from Lori. But as discussion continues here, we may have to look at this again.

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