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Keep in mind, the opinions on this site are for the most part speculation and are not necessarily the opinions of the company WITHOUT PREJUDICE

Message: Vilcoro

I wouldn,t be surprised to hear something on our Vilcoro soon. Lori is excellent at concealing all the work she has been doing behind the scenes, and I wouldn,t be surprised if she reveals something more on the Vilcoro soon. The funniest thing lately about the Vilcoro,is; that we obtained 100 % of it on Jan 25 th/2011. We didn,t know we had it until it slipped out on the new website in August or so. If she held this back from us that long, its possible there is more on the Vilcoro that she also has held back, imo.

A few of us hub leaders were discussing the financials and adding things up, there seems to be around $2 million that was paid for something recently that we can,t account for. All of the financials appear on the up and up, and we find no problem with them. So, we are speculating that some other major work may have been done on our other Peruvian properties other than the Tesoro. Maybe it was the Vilcoro? I see there is 500k budgeted for it from june 1 st/2011 onward. Maybe we did a 1 million dollar drill plan there and a 1 million dollar geophysics on rthe rest of the new Tesoro claims? Just speculation and just throwing it out here as a thought.

It is possible that we may be missing something that had to be paid for, and our calculations may be wrong.

Iamgold announced a few weeks back that they were on the hunt for early stage projects around their existing projects , to the tune of $1 billion. One of their existing mines is not too far away, look here;


Lori,s news release or info on the website said a possible several million ounces on the Vilcoro,well I guess 3 million ounces could be classified as several. If you got $300 an ounce in the ground, that would be $900 million/ 120 million shares out, would equal $7.50 per share, if we just happened to have had some drilling done on that to prove up some more and leave room for speculation.

Here is a link to Hog,s post awhile back, where he summarized all the work that has been done on the Vilcoro in the past.


The above post is a mix of fact, and the speculation is mine. Even though it could be just a fairy tale, it has every chance of becoming true somewhere in the future.


Nov 03, 2011 12:38AM
Nov 03, 2011 01:22AM
Nov 03, 2011 04:42AM
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