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Message: AGM Voting & Proxy Voting

Hi Folks;

Just got a lesson on voting and proxy voting that many of you might appreciate --if you do not already know. I had not recieved my circular, nor had I received my proxy forms in the mail, but my wife had---so I got suspicious and phoned my share trading house. Turns out I had ticked the wrong box on my initial account setup forms.

So my trading house emailed me the forms so I could have them sent to me by mail. I was still afraid they would not arrive in time to take my vote to the AGM cuz I Am Going. They then gave me a "control #" for each account I had, and it turned out that I had 3 accounts ---one cash account---one RSP account ---one TFSA account--- and I got a separate control # for each one.

I then had to go online to www.proxyvote.com and either vote there or give my proxy to myself or someone else in a box on the form. If you choose nothing in the "you voted" column and go to the bottom of the form and select the box that says "vote my shares". This will then give you a "no vote entered" message in the "you voted" box, and allow you to vote at the AGM when you show picture ID and give your control numbers there. This is the proceedure to use if you plan to go to the AGM and vote there.

If you want to vote by yourself via internet on the www.proxyvote.com site, simply click on the circle with the-- Yes---No---or-- Withhold-- choices in the Your vote column.

If you want someone who is going to the AGM to vote for you-- put their name in the "Appointees" box and they will need to take your control #s with them in order to vote your shares.

I hope this gives some of you who were as uninformed as I was, a little insite as to how to vote. After all---it is your responsibility. If you vote ---you have the right to complain. If you do not vote---you should be willing to let the company be ran the way management deems fit.

Its your choice.


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