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Message: Re: Getting the Ball Rolling
Dec 02, 2011 06:36PM


I talked to a very large shareholder at the AGM that has actually visited the Tesoro property. His intent was to see the property for himself but as well to see how hard it would be to bridge the Acari River. He said that in his construction experience,, at no time would the Acari river pose much of a problem. He said that at any time he would meerly sent a large cat across and pull whatever he wanted across,,,No problem. I asked him if it was much like the Athabasca in Alberta and he said heavens no,, much smaller.

I don't know this myself,,Just what I heard in the conversation.

Dec 03, 2011 12:13AM
Dec 03, 2011 12:13AM
Dec 03, 2011 06:14PM
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